Sticks and Stones and Stories
What could be more exciting than battling pirate weasels, or sailing with the moon, or hosting a tea party for zoo animals? Add a little wonder to bedtime, car-time, or anytime with these fun original stories, written and narrated by children's author Rachel Dunstan Muller. https://sticksandstonesandstories.com/
Sticks and Stones and Stories
On a Dark and Stormy Night
Rachel Dunstan Muller
Season 3
Episode 1
It's hard work scrubbing the sky – washing away all the dust, and the grime, and the soot, and the smoke. But Jeremiah and his three uncles weren’t afraid of hard work! They started in the east and worked their way west, singing as they went: “Rub a dub-dub, it’s time for a scrub.”
Find more stories at https://sticksandstonesandstories.com!